Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Recent Developments

                Though the Tylenol murder case was never solved it did completely change the entire production and distribution system for over the counter medicines. Many methods have been implemented to prevent a repeat of this tragedy. Though there were a few repeats of this case and several copycat killers in the years that followed the case the precautions that have been taken in later years have all but stopped this type of attack.
                The first method that was implemented was the introduction of tamper resistant packaging and induction seals on all bottles. Now, because of these methods you cannot tamper with over the counter medicines without it being obvious that the package has been tampered with. If it is in a box the packaging will be ripped open and if it is in a bottle the induction seal will be broken at which point people know not to take the medicine and return it immediately.
                As well as putting induction seals and tamper resistant packaging on all medicine containers medicine companies have also changed the pills themselves. Before the Tylenol murder case all pills were dissolving capsules which held the medicine inside them and could easily be opened and filled with another substance. Today over the counter medicines come in the “caplet” form which means that the medicine is a solid shaped like a capsule. As well as being a solid each medicine has its own unique shape and an inscribed code and is usually shown in a picture on the box so that you know you are taking the right thing.
                In addition to these methods companies have also changed their distribution methods and introduced a thorough system of quality control. It is also now a federal crime to tamper with the packaging of any over the counter product. These methods have made it almost impossible for a repeat of the Tylenol murders to take place. The Tylenol case was an isolated incident but has drastically changed the entire industry of medicine production and distribution. The next time you are at the drug store you will see the effects of this incident in every box or bottle you pass by.

                Though the case has never been solved it was re-opened In January of 2009 one year before the 25th anniversary of the killings. Federal Investigators fear that the killer may try to attempt more killings on the anniversary of the original killings and with 25 years to prepare he/she may have found ways around these precautions that the drug companies have taken.

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